Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Haiti Bound.....and holding tighter to God's hand

This is the first of what I hope to be many writings to share my daily world and experiences with those who are interested in knowing. I am two weeks away from starting a new life and leaving the old life behind. Although my physical body will be in another country, my heart will still be with those that I dearly love. I will miss my son the most but know that he supports my decision to live my dream. I trust him to be the man I know he is and also believe he will have his own dreams to follow. I thank all of you who have offered your blessings and your prayers for a wonderful and safe journey. I truly believe that I will be blessed and that this is just the beginning of many joys to come.

1 comment:

sheila Adair said...

My heart gose with you.I know your son and you have raised him well. love, Sheila